Mold Removal New Jersey Myths: Can High Mold Level Cause you to See a Devil?
Any mold removal New Jersey company will likely attest that urban myths are fun; they provide a gateway into a local area’s history and social customs. New Jersey certainly has its fair share of the “weird and wonderful”, and one of the strangest urban legends to pool from the imaginations of locals and visitors alike is the story of the New Jersey Devil. According to the legend of the New Jersey devil an 18th century women was about to give birth to her 13th child when she summoned the devil to help her through the pregnancy. Rumor has it that right after the child was born it transformed into a devil and escaped from the house. If you are practical you will likely dismiss it as a silly story. However, if you fully knew the menacing capabilities of household mold, you would know that there have been some cases in which mold has caused people to hallucinate and perhaps…just perhaps…this home was infested with mold spores and everyone imagined some pretty crazy birthing events!
What are the Mental and Neurological Symptoms of Mold Exposure?
Some of the mental and neurological symptoms of mold exposure include seizures, disorientation, confusion and other things synonymous with hallucinating and seeing devils. Mold spores are in themselves little devils, as they are “little black masses” (pun intended) that grow on organic and semi-organic materials and make people ill. You can hold up a crucifix to the mold growing on your wall, but it won’t do any good; your best and only option is to call for a professional and certified mold remediation company to rid the space of all fungus remnants and bring the toxicity levels down to a normal reading. You local mold removal New Jersey pros will have the right equipment to get this done quickly!
Can Mold Really Summon Devils?
In the literal sense mold cannot summon actual devils from hell. But mold is a black art that can make one so ill that they think there are devils after them. The trichothecene mycotoxins that black mold produces are neurotoxic—they kill brain neurons and impede one from a normal mental capacity by bringing on severe hallucinations. If you fear seeing devils you may want to call a licensed water damage restoration company to come fix that pipe leak and inspect your walls for mold, as mold spores thrive in moist, humid areas such as deep within drywall where leaking pipes can run their course of destruction. After all, you don’t want to mistake the neighbor’s baby as Lucifer’s little helper and run screaming into the night!